Tag: sciatica

  • Pregnancy and Chiropractic

    Did you know chiropractic has many benefits before, during and after pregnancy? BEFORE you become pregnant, your doctor of chiropractic can detect any imbalances in the pelvis or elsewhere in your body that could contribute to pregnancy discomfort or possible neuromusculoskeletal problems after childbirth. Chiropractic may even help with infertility issues. The nerves that regulate…

  • Symptom of the Week: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

    Do you have tingling, numbness or pain in the hand, fingers and wrist? The Carpal Tunnel is in your wrist. Your carpal (wrist) bones form a tunnel-like structure—the carpal tunnel—through which pass nine tendons and one nerve— the median nerve. CTS occurs when the median nerve is irritated. If the carpal (wrist) bones are moved…

  • Topic of the Week: Stress!

    “Going through life, we experience physical, chemical, and emotional stress. These stresses affect the function of the nervous system. Chiropractic care appears to improve the ability of the body to adapt to stress.” – Dr Christopher Kent The modern world is becoming increasingly complex, and the demands on our time and attention are many. It’s…

  • Why do we need probiotics?

    The human intestinal tract is a very complex internal environment. It is filled with various species of bacteria and yeasts that should assist digestion, ward off harmful or pathogenic infections and even help produce many vitamins and other chemical substances needed for our health and long life. The name given to these organisms that live…

  • Symptom of the Week: Sciatica

    Approximately 25% of our patients come to us with a specific complaint of lower back pain running down the leg. Often referred to as SCIATICA, the discomfort can be described as a deep dull ache or a sharp and burning pain. The pain may be continuous from the back of the thigh all the way…

  • Symptom of the Week: Migraine Headaches

    Migraines occur when blood vessels of the head and neck spasm or constrict, which decreases blood flow to the brain. Minutes to hours later, the blood vessels dilate (enlarge), resulting in a severe headache. Inflammation around the blood vessels also occurs in some cases. Painkillers Experts are now saying pills that people take to relieve…

  • Are you a runner?

    Maybe you’ve never thought about chiropractic care. After all, as a regular runner, you’re pretty healthy. You’ve never sustained any lasting injuries and you don’t feel constant pain. What would be the point of paying for chiropractic care? You’re not alone in your thought process. Athletes and non-athletes alike assume that chiropractic care is only…

  • Symptom of the Week: Neck Pain

    Neck pain can be sudden and can occur in everyday situations without warning, or a pain that is there all the time. The key strategy with a neck complaint is to work out where the pain is originating from. In order to determine this we establish the history of the complaint and then undertake a…

  • Symptom of the Week: Knee Pain

    Although incredibly complex and sturdy, the knee is more prone to injury than any other bony structure in your body besides the spine. There is a large range of problems that can affect the knee, as the knee joint is one of the most-used joints in the body. Just think about how often you use…

  • Success Story of the Week!

    I have been suffering from lower back pain for 18 months, I had been taking pain relief medication but found this only helped short term. I have been getting treated by Nicholas for over two months now and have noticed a massive difference. The pain is under control and I no longer need medication. My…