Webster Technique – Restoring Proper Pelvic Balance And Function For Pregnant Mothers

Do any reading about chiropractic treatment during pregnancy and the chances are you will have either read about or have seen videos posted on the internet about “The Webster Technique”.

What is it?

“The Webster Technique is defined as a specific chiropractic analysis and adjustment that reduces interference to the nerve system and facilitates biomechanical balance in pelvic structures, muscles and ligaments. This has been shown to reduce the effects of intrauterine constraint, allowing the baby to get into the best possible position for birth.” (Jeanne Ohm).

The aim is to make pregnancy as pain free as possible and to minimise distress to birth mother and baby during and immediately after the delivery. Sacral restriction/misalignment can result in torsion/tension within specific pelvic ligaments and muscles which in turn may result in constraints within the uterus. This is thought to be one of the many reasons for a breech presentation. Application of the Webster technique helps improve these imbalances and thus increase the available room for the baby, as a result of this the unborn child is more likely to move around and engage into the correct position of head first.

Chiropractic treatment improves the biomechanics of the pelvis and surrounding ligaments and thus in turn may allow the foetus more room to move around and engage its head into the correct position. A more detailed explanation on the technique can be found on the International Chiropractic Paediatric Association website.

Read this wonderful testimonial from one of our patients.

I first made enquiries about chiropractic care when I was around 30 weeks pregnant. Despite prenatal yoga and following exercises for Optimal Foetal Positioning, my little one seemed to persistently favour my right side, rather than left or central which is preferable. I had suffered hip and back problems for over four years. This was put down to leg length discrepancy indicating that my right leg was longer than my left. After researching on the internet I had the feeling that my hip problem was somehow related. I had read that a chiropractic technique called the ‘Webster Technique’ can help with foetal positioning and I was curious to see if it could help me.

Initially I was apprehensive about receiving chiropractic care during pregnancy, but after a thorough consultation and the opportunity to ask many questions, I felt fully informed and reassured. I proceeded to 12 treatments over a 6 week period. It turns out that I didn’t have leg length discrepancy as was diagnosed elsewhere, but instead my pelvis was misaligned and this can create difficulty in pregnancy and labour.

The chiropractic adjustments, including the Webster Technique, were tailored toward my specific needs and were gentle, therefore suitable to receive during pregnancy. I started to feel the benefit very quickly and also felt as though my baby had more room to move. Thankfully we have achieved the ‘optimal foetal position’, as was confirmed at a check-up with my midwife, and my hip, back and neck problems have also greatly improved.

The Doctor & all the staff in Carrick Chiropractic were very professional, helpful and reassuring throughout. I am so glad that I decided to have chiropractic care during my pregnancy.

– A Cunningham

(Mum gave birth to a beautiful baby girl without the need for a caesarean. Minimal assistance was given during the approx. 7 hour process. Mother and baby are healthy and progressing well in their new beginning.)

belfast, chiropractic, breech, pregnancy, back pain


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