Tag: chiropractor

  • How’s your pillow posture?

    Have you ever taken a moment to assess your “pillow posture” (how your head is positioned while sleeping)? The position that’s most comfortable and “natural” for you might be creating preventable health problems. How Many Pillows Should I Use? Your head and neck should be lined up with the rest of your spine. This is…

  • Look after your spine!

    belfast, chiropractor, back pain, neck pain, headaches sciatica

  • Success story of the week!

    I had been suffering from migraine headaches for approximately 10 years. I had consulted my GP and I had tried almost every pain killing medication that was available to me. But nothing worked, and the migraines continued. Eventually I was advised to seek advice from a chiropractor. I have been attending for almost 7 months,…

  • Symptom of the week: Migraine

    Those who suffer from migraine will know too well that it is much more than just a headache. It can strike anywhere and any time, often without warning. Migraine affects about 15 in every 100 people in the UK and is most common in adults aged between 20 and 50. Women are twice as likely…

  • Success story of the week!

    I have been suffering from LOW BACK PAIN, RESTLESS LEGS and HEADACHES for approximately 18 YEARS. Despite numerous trips to my GP, hospital for X-Rays and physiotherapy my symptoms eased for a while but returned within a short period of time. Things got so bad that my GP recommended that I go to a chiropractor.…

  • Try chiropractic first!

    belfast, chiropractor, back pain, neck pain, headaches, sciatica

  • Did you know?

    CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME (pain or numbness in the wrist, hand or fingers) can often come from a NECK PROBLEM? belfast, chiropractor, back pain, neck pain, headaches, sciatica

  • Need some inspiration?

    Don’t forget about our Hungry for Change movie night in the Carrickfergus clinic tonight at 7:00pm. This is a free event and we’ll be giving you some great recipes to take home, juicing demonstrations and some healthy treats. Everyone welcome! Just call 02893 366446 to book your place. Here’s the trailer for the movie http://youtu.be/3MvAM97VDE8…

  • belfast, chiropractor, back pain, neck pain, headaches, sciatica

  • Hungry for Change in 2013?

    Then join us on Thursday 17th January 7:00pm at our Carrickfergus Clinic for a night of information on how to improve your health. We’ll be showing the movie Hungry for Change and providing fresh juices and recipes for you to kick start new healthy habits to feel great in the New Year! This is free…