Success Story of the Week!

Daily Migraines have affected my life from a very early age. I was unable to concentrate at school and thereafter university. My life as a teenager was back and forth to the GP office collecting painkillers At university I spent a lot of time in bed with lack of energy and motivation. I qualified as a Special Needs Teacher, therefore I need to have constant energy and concentration however when I would have migraines my right eye would droop and I would have to go to bed to sleep it off.

I frequently had coughs and colds and an inability to fight infections. I was taking antibiotics for a thin eardrum which had been causing some concern. I had pain in my neck and shoulders when I was doing my weekly grocery shopping and painkillers would always end up in the shopping trolley too. In the end I started vomiting blood and I believe this was linked to taking the painkillers.

I had gone down the usual route of seeing my GP and the physio for these complaints but I had limited success and then a colleague at work recommended that I go visit her daughter’s chiropractor. I decided to go along to find out how chiropractic could help me. During my consultation we went through my full history. One of the points raised was that I was carrying a lot of tension.

I started care and within two weeks I wasn’t taking the Nurofen I had been taking every other day for years and my energy started flooding back. Within 6 weeks the migraines were much reduced in frequency and duration. I stopped vomiting. The neck and shoulder pain had also stopped. Later, I noticed that I wasn’t getting the coughs and colds and that I was no longer on antibiotics or having ear problems.

Chiropractic has been life changing for me. My migraines have reduced to once every six weeks and I no longer get a drooping eye. I am able to cope at work better and my tension has gone. I have much more energy and my social life is much improved. I am now on monthly visits and I will always come to the chiropractor, why wouldn’t I, it works!

– K Murray

belfast, chiropractor, back pain, neck pain, migraine, sciatica


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